Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Doctrine of Man and the Lamb

The Lamb on the altar stands opposed to all the false ideas you have about yourself. The Lamb on the altar stands opposed to all religions. All religions teach that you can save yourself. All religions teach that you just need a little help in seeing who you really are. The Lamb on the altar shows that the problem is who you really are. By nature you're not just a little sick--you're dead! If you were just sick the Lamb would have just had to get a little sick to save you. The Lamb had to die for you to live. The Lamb on the altar shows you how bad your sins really are. You don't need a Purpose-Driven Life. You need the Life received from the Blood of the Lamb on the Altar. You don't need You're Best Life Now. You need the Lamb's Life Now!


Anonymous said...

I agree..but there you go with the pictures! LOL!

Mr. Miyagi said...

Double Amen, Chuck! If we could save ourselves by our works then why Good Friday!